Friday, February 04, 2005


Hey there... I believe we will have moments in life whereby we have been overwhelmed by our very own doubts. These are dangerous thoughts that eroded the very meanings of the way you have lived thus far. You start to question your self, think about all the failures that you have encountered and then sulk for a while, you question your worth, the very meaning of existence and life itself.

I am in such state as i typed this seemingly embrassing post. Such weakness i portray! No good for interview... But hack! It then becomes an interest to me to wanna know if you guys fall into such state of mind once a while... I hope to get some feedback from you all... If you do, how do you overcome it.... share some view points and put it out for discussion. I think it is xtremely healthy(explains my talktiveness in HR classes).

" my deepest thoughts, i trek the worst of nightmares fighting the demons summoning me to bow to the Lord of Failures... leeches that drain my crimson blood drawing however little energy left in this wretched body... Depression creeps into this unguarded city of mind... In its the full force of destruction plunder this town called Mind. Pandemonium! Devastation an understatement... Cheers from Satan bears testiment to a new surcumbent..."

"...Be vigilant. Guard against your negative thoughts.." Buddah (channel news asia)

Its though this words that give you meaning and perspective in life again... there are many avenues for different people to derive new meanings to live this life that never comes again...

"...we only live this life once... live it the way you want..."
I must say again... Let not take the intended meaning of the phrase above to mean other things rather than live a life full of worth for others and for yourself... lets walk the path together...

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