The meaning of religion, through the search from the internet bears 4 meanings;
1) Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
2) A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
3) The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
4) A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
5) A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
Science and religion co-existed peacefully till the turn of the 19th century. Much of the unknowns of the universe were explained and accepted by the people. The advent of the industrialisation and enlightenment brought differentiation and turmoils to the peaceful co-existence of the words. Science began its journey of experimentations, methodical and theoretical explanations of the universe. Religions seems to have stop moving all together.
We began to doubt things that cannot be proven by science. We see to believe. Religions took the very first meaning stated in (1). Even so, much of the universe still could not be explained by science but the explosion of knowledge gain through the years of enlightenment enpowered us with critical thinking and the realisation that much of the explaining of the universe can only be gain through tried and tested methods rather than the words and wisdom of scared men centuries before.
Much remains as it is till recent times when religion became a tool. A tool for terrorist. A call through the twisted promulgation of doctrines that summon its people to rise against their enemies. Many innnocent people were killed in bombs attacks. Chaos. Wars waged and fought. Chaos. Many people joined the twisted cause. Many more joined the twisted cause. Many got involved. Koreans even. Religion has become (2) (3) (4) (5).
People don't lose faith easily. Look at the way Singaporeans bet religiously at 4-D and Toto and you will realise how strong the faith of people can be. Why is it that people have a lesser inkling towards religions in our time. Many are free thinkers, atheists. They renounce religion. They have their own set of rules and way of life. Have religions lose their appeal? Have we become smarter? So much smarter that we do not need religion to help us understand the way things are and live our way of life the way it is?
Flip the papers, read the news. The trend of the society moving into a state of lawlessness jolt me into the realisation that the world has become a far more dangerous place. A living hell. Laws are in place for the deterence of criminal acts by the consequence of punishment. Religions, without regards to twisted onces, promotes morality that prevent even the advent of that evil thought. In our time, religion is not supernatural but the undersatanding that morality has to be pursued with zeal and devotion. Morality in not about faith. It is about the very existence of our human existence. The only little thinkling in us that still make us sane is our morality, a deriative of religions.
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